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My Notifications
Ticketing Due
Schedule changes
Waitlist approvals
Online GDS Operations
The My PNRs feature allows agents to retrieve and manage all their active PNRs in one place at a glance.
An intuitive interface with built in filters enables the agent to view and manage his most important pnrs and assist him with his queue management tasks.
The filters are chosen by the agent and include all of the pnr’s data, such as: date, flight number, airline, passenger name and many more.
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The My Notifications processing engine populates notifications based on PNR events to enhance an agent’s efficiency and profitability.An intuitive interface with built in filters enables the agent to view and manage his most important pnrs and assist him with his queue management tasks.
The filters are chosen by the agent and include all of the pnr’s data, such as: date, flight number, airline, passenger name and many more.
The My Share collaboration module enhances the communication between the agent and their customers.
By keeping the customer informed and UpToDate with any relevant changes or any action taken our agents keep an ongoing dialog with their customers to gain their outmost satisfaction. Within two clicks this module enable the agent to share any flight rescheduling or ticketing due parameters plus more with their customer.
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